Why Some Antibiotics Does Not Work for Angular Cheilitis?

Angular Cheilitis is mainly a skin disease provoked by the excessive moisture present in the crests, folds or wrinkles around the lips, especially from the corners of the mouth. This moisture digs into the skin causing cracks and lesions which later on become infected and form pus. From here on is just a vicious circle, in which the infection expands causing skin to crack even more, while these cracks provide more space for the infection to grow and develop faster.

Why Some Antibiotics Does Not Work for Angular CheilitisWhen having to deal with such a condition most people rush into the dermatologist’s offices waiting for a treatment that will simply clear the entire area and leave the skin clean in just a matter of days. What they receive instead is a lotion or a cream based on antibiotic substances.

This treatment should kill the bacteria and thus, leave the skin clean so as to start recovering from the damage. It is a slow process which in most cases, even if it does function bring too little relief for the desperate people.

This is mainly because the bacteria are quite smart organisms, smarter than you may have thought. Thus, when an antibiotic is used in order to destroy them, some of them die while other become much stronger and can no longer be defeated by the same antibiotic or by a substance similar to it. This is why, even though you find a powerful antibiotic which will provide relief the first time when Angular Cheilitis appears, the same treatment will be useless when the disease makes its appearance its second time.

As you well know, in most cases this condition does appear a second time, so basically with antibiotics you can only have half of the problem solved or in other worlds postpone the search for an effective treatment a little longer.

Thus, if your dermatologist has prescribed you any antibiotics you can take them and hope for the best. If it is your first time taking them, they may actually work, but if you are at a second attempt, it is advisable to look for something more powerful or try some of the alternative or complementary treatments. You will be amazed to see how many effective treatments you can find outside the dermatologist’s office!

If you want to know how to cure your Angular Cheilitis easily, naturally and permanently CLICK HERE – and save hundreds of dollars using this natural remedy in the comfort of your own home.

Why It Is Important to Address Angular Cheilitis from the First Signs?

Chapped lips, cracks in the area around the mouth and pain when you open your mouth, these are the first signs that an Angular Cheilitis is about to invade the corners of your lips and will start to trouble your life. With time, these symptoms become more and more acute. Thus, the cracks grow deeper and deeper and transform into painful sores, while the pain you feel when opening your mouth grows significantly as time goes by.

Angular Cheilitis First Signs In addition to that, the cracks soon begin to bleed and the infection with different bacteria or fungi is just a matter of time. In most of the cases, candida albicans is the bacterium which affects Angular Cheilitis sufferers.

All this process happens quite fast and in about a week you can go from a perfect healthy person to an Angular Cheilitis sufferer, who cannot eat, drink, laugh or speak properly any more, a person who is embarrassed to get out of the house because of the way the skin from around their lips looks like. This is why, it is highly essential that you start an appropriate treatment from the very first signs of cheilosis.

Using at least a lip balm that does not contain any perfume or colorants each and every time you feel that the area is too dry, preventing your saliva or sweat from reaching in the affected areas and maintain a perfect hygiene are some of the steps, which if done from the apparition of this skin condition may stop its evolution, make it less violent and decrease the amount of time it will take to heal.

In addition to that, taking vitamin supplements, having a balanced diet and avoid humid places, cold places or places where there is dust will significantly contribute to the minimization of Angular Cheilitis’ effects and will make it more bearable for the person who has to deal with it.

A visit to the doctor is also recommended, so that you will be given some ointments or creams which can treat this condition and at the same time see which the vitamins your body lack are, so that you can address this issue fast too.

When dealing with Angular Cheilitis, the more time you waste postponing the time when you start your treatment, the more time you will have to cope with this condition. Thus, if you do not want the cracks to aggravate and start bleeding, move fast and start a treatment right from the first symptoms.

If you are tired of searching how to cure your Angular Cheilitis and you want a remedy that actually works go to http://www.angularcheilitisfreeforever.com. You have nothing to lose except those otiose cracks and enjoy life to the fullest again.